5 coolest GPT3 prompts useful to finance and FP&A professionals
If you haven’t heard of Chat GPT-3 and how it will change industries, augment productivity and add value to businesses then read this article first!
In a nutshell, Chat GPT3 or Chat GPT-3 is a powerful artificial intelligence (AI) tool developed by OpenAI. It can be used to automate processes, create Excel macros, answer questions, language translation, financial modelling and even to teach you Python and how to create machine learning algorithms.
In a way it’s similar to a financial forecast, if the inputs are wrong or not clear, the outputs are not going to be valuable. Trash in, trash out.
So the “inputs” or “prompts” you use are very important. You can see 10 coolest GPT3 prompts useful to finance and FP&A professionals below:
1. Create an Excel Macro that uses EBITDA and financial forecasting
This macro changes the value of the cell named Company_EBITDA to 0. Then, uses the Goal Seek feature to set the cell named Financial_Forecast_Input1 to be equal to a value the user enters into a dialog box, by changing the value in the cell named Company_EBITDA. Finally, name the Macro Residual Company_EBITDA.